Monday, February 25

The Wanton Whore – part III

He wants me to write all over his sissy little body what a tart, slut and whore he is.
He wants me to mummify him in cling film (what is it about me and the cling film lovers?)
He wants me to force him to wear ladies clothes
He wants to be on webcam for all the world to see when the above (and more) happens.

He also has a desire to give up smoking, do you think making him be smoke free for two weeks before any of these things happen is enough of an incentive to assist him to quit?


doll said...

He wants a lot. Submissive men simply amaze me with their list of wants, don't they realise it is the Doms call what happens or doesn't.

They want a mummy, do you want a child?

I apologise I am feeling bitchy today, too much restriction.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, I ask it helps fuel my imagination for ideas and takes just the tiniest amount of performance pressure off.

Sometime my mindreading skills just fail me;-)

doll said...

Are we psychically linked? I only ask because we log on so often to find each others comments just minutes after they arrive.

Anonymous said...

I think it may be that we spend far too much time on the net...and my black toes had me exposing my witchy side, so maybe it's that?

ouimistress said...

Being a sub means rather than putting forward a shopping list of his wants he should first find out what your desires (and turn offs) are.
Based on this he could then propose scenes that combine both of your desires.

Sounds like he may be TFB'ing. (Topping From Below).

Like Riding A Bike said...


really he isn't, these desires have come out of weeks of decussion and lunch dates that have resulted in me formalating ideas.

The ways these ideas are presented here are to highlight how much he want to give up smoking.

ouimistress said...

LRB, pardon me for my unsolicited advice, i should have realised that you would already be on top of the situation.

Saying that having a sub ask a Dom to help him quit smoking puts a lot of pressure on you and (to my mind) dilutes the sensual aspects of your encounters.

Anonymous said...

I've had a little time to think about this. Given that it is late and not long since I got home it may be a bit of a ramble.

I have heard that some men find it easy to give up when they decide it is time to. However I suggest that he goes to a Naturopath if he is serious and gets the help and support of a professional. He will get nutritional support for the detox and counselling to help bypass the cravings. Whatever happens he shouldn't replace smoking with coffee, it's just replacing one drug with another.

I don't think you should be the condition for him to do this. Just tell him that if he wants to be a real sissy and not just play at it then he has to have perfect body aroma, delightfully scented breath and nice pink nails, you won't accept anything less. A real sissy wants to be beautiful through and through all the time. He needs to show you he is serious before you put in the time and effort. He needs to be adult about stopping his addiction.

I guess you have probably been to a range of sissy sites. I visit petticoatdisciplinequarterly and am always shocked by the stories. I never know whether to embrace the philosophy or run screaming into the blue yonder.

Did you enjoy doing all the clips up as you tried on your new purchase? I really find 6 totally inadequate now.

I'll go to sleep thinking about your problem, it will stave off my cravings!!!

miss aj aka ....

Like Riding A Bike said...

He didn't ask for my help, but he's getting it. I don't like playing with smokers and I really want to play with him (and I believe he really wants to play with me).

So I gave the weak-willed little slut the'll only get to experiance some of the things we chat about after you have been smoke free for two weeks.

They is no topping from the bottom and it doesn't take away any sexiness away, in fact, for me it's better because he won't smell!

Like Riding A Bike said...

Thanks for the comment miss aj...he really wants to give up and he just needs a little nudge.

He's been smoke free before and know all the benefits (nice smell, sense of taste, sissy elegance and the better health), but I'm sure he'll take your advice when he sees it.

ouimistress said...

LRB, it sounds like you know what's going on and are enjoying yourself so go girl!
He's a lucky whore to have such an understanding Domina.

doll said...


I should never post comments after a long day at work I always regret them the following day. Sincere apologies for the drivel you received from me.

The wanton whore sounds very promising. It is probably good that the literary school boy has dropped off the radar, you can concentrate on this blossoming relationship.

Performance is a good sign. It shows you are reflective and that allows for creativity. He will be very fortunate to have you guiding him into a world of femininity.

Wishing you a world of lust and depravity to come with him.