Saturday, February 16

Literary Schoolboy

I have briefly mentioned this one before, and I’m not sure what to do about him. Actually that’s a lie, I know in my hearts of hearts, but don’t want to write him off just yet. I feel he has potential.

He contacted me yesterday and apologised profusely for not being in contact and explained. I told him not to make excuses and if he couldn’t contact me, just to let me know (no explanation required) he wouldn’t be around for a while. I know, I’m too soft, but it stops me over analysing how much I fu*ked it up.

We chatted for over an hour (talked about his experience, history, work, foot fetish, living arrangements and allsorts of other crap;-))and made a tentative date to catch up for coffee while I was in his neck of the woods today looking for a new place to live. He text me asking if I could meet him somewhere else at lunchtime and I couldn’t as I was without car. So it all fell apart again. I’m now at home, he’s going to phone about five he says.

He sounds really nice and very keen to meet up, but he is hideously unorganised.
What to do?

Ohh well... I have a date with the Rubbermaid tonight… must change mindset.

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