Monday, January 14

Just for the Night

I started a new, part-time job recently (more about that later) and I was chatting with a couple of my new female colleagues about sex, as you do, and I realised that I have never had a one-night-stand.

There have been fellas that had the potential to be a one nighter, but always came back for more within a week. I’m going take this as a good and bad thing. Good because it nice to be able to say I’ve never had a one-night-stand and bad because I’ve got attached to everyone I’ve slept with which makes it harder when they don’t phone after the second bout of bed-wrestling.

They on the other hand had had multiple mono-encounters which they saw as practice for when Mr. Right came along. One, a young (22) back-packer has just decided to spend the rest of her visit to Aussie celibate because she doesn’t like the number of notches on her proverbial bedpost. The other, a not so young (29) French girl has a number close to the teens and would like to increase it so she can experiment more with strangers.

How do you feel about one night stands, Good, Bad or indifferent?

And I’m curios about numbers, so put a little poll in the side bar, tick a box please.


doll said...


like you i have never had a one-night stand but plenty of two nights. I think i prefer that as i have some memory of them all. I don't think that would be the case if i had had the same number of fucks singly. Would also have trouble remembering all the names, and cock shapes and sizes! Have forgotten some of them as it is.

Like Riding A Bike said...

good point, well made :)

ouimistress said...

Well even in my hormone saturated teen years one night stands were never been an attraction.
Only in recent years as i've recognised and understood my inherent sub male nature have i realised that this is just another sign of it.
While my libido has never been lacking the need to have a trust and respect from the women before physical intimacy can occur has been essential.
Anyhow for me i'd say 7-14 night stands have been the equivalent of most peoples 1 night ones.

doll said...

I've been thinking and realised that i don't consider what Master requires doll to do count as one night stands, now isn't that weird.