Friday, January 25

Chopsticks and Sharp Knives

I have just got back for a lunch date. Only the date, he didn’t turn up.

I have a rule, I don’t give out my phone before I have met someone. Too many freaks out there. But he has email and IM. So why, if he knew he wasn’t going to turn didn’t he say something? And if it was truly a hideous (or even minor) accident then he has managed to do something that has never happened to me before.

He stood me up!

When I returned to the office, I composed this email in word…what do you think, press send?

'So my sushi lunch was great...teriyaki chicken, some sashimi salmon, miso soup and a green tea.

The company was rather lacking until the guy filleting a king fish in front of me decided to make conversation. Did you know, but on average a sushi chef spends 3years just making rice before he’s even allowed near a fish?'

1 comment:

Susan's Pet said...

I think that you were being too gentle. If this person were to contact you again, and explain that he did not show up or let you know that he was not going to do so, because he died, that would be acceptable.

Then again, your references to the sharp objects are meaningful enough to an intelligent person.

I belive in being polite and kind in all circumstances. After I shattered the forearm of a mugger I apologized to him.