Thursday, November 15

The Writer

I met him months ago. It was a random encounter while I was still married. In fact I think my larger half was with me. We were out with some friends at a pub. The Journalist was there with his friends and in the way pubs are everyone was mingling and chatting. I got chatting with the Journo.

He’s younger than me, works in a field I’m interested in, had a girlfriend and reminded me of my larger half in many ways. But he wasn’t completely repellent. We parted ways at the end of the evening with a ‘see you around.’

And see him around I did, at pubs, clubs, concerts and even the movies. We always shot the breeze and if was alone (which I frequently was, even before my separation) he would buy me a drink or popcorn and have a chat.

Now, here’s the thing. This guy will only ever be a mate. During the course of my chats with him I have discovered that he has ‘issues’ and I don’t want, need or desire to make those any worse and I certainly don’t want to sleep with him (despite encouragement from mates) and then leave him. I don’t want to add to the hurt.

I think I may have issues myself; I care too much about feelings. Why can’t I do what a girlfriend of mine does, fuck ‘em and call ‘em a cab?

I think I may have work to do.

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