Monday, May 26

What's Your Understanding...

... of this?

He was washing up, I was drying. I can't remember why he asked, but he asked me when I was flying out.

I told him when and then followed up with a silly voice and a bump of shoulders 'Will you miss me?'

His hands went still, he focused on the soapy water and said, 'No, but my heart will.'

This is an actual conversation I had. Boys, what does this mean? Ladies feel free to chip in too.


Anonymous said...

I think it is very romantic. Hearts ache when they are away from the one they love. The more practical day to day life may be too busy and filled with activity for reflection on what is being missed.

Susan's Pet said...

Sometimes we say "witty" or silly things, and later we have no idea what we meant.

J said...

I think he's trying to say it and NOT say it at the same time - he wants wiggle room either way. (Speaking here as someone who's a a master of wiggle room.)