Saturday, November 1

Puppy Love

It’s been a while since I fell in love, thinking about it, it’s been twenty odd years. So I may have things a little confused. In fact I may not be falling in love, but I sure as hell am in lust.

There are the phone calls, two or three a day, the longest being 2 hours and 3 minutes of talking about everything from the best technique to flick someone with a tea towel to fisting. Then the there’s the text messages, silly things, often containing inside jokes.
We spend ages on instant messenger while we each watch telly in our own parts of the world, still talking crap and applauding each others terrible spelling. We’ve exchanged silly postcards by mail.

I get a warm fuzzy feeling in my tummy when we speak and an ache when he doesn’t call, a stupid smile spreads across my face when he does.

And finally the memories of our brief times together that make me want to feel him inside me again.

As I said…it must be lust

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