Monday, May 12

Is it just me...

...that thinks the current fashion of light shoes with black opaque tights is just wrong?

The white ones I saw on the train station a couple of days ago, she was sat next to me, I tok this picture not only because she was wearing white shoes with black tights, but because the shoes were scuffed and tatty looking. Eww!

The purple horrors were on George Street outside Wynyard today. Yes, this was a young professional lady dressed in all black except the shoes.

These ladies have taken perfectly nice shoes (although I'm not 100% about the lilac matellic) and turned them into fashion nightmares. But that's just my humble opinion.

When did the 80s start again?


doll said...

Agreed the look is a tad 'grease'.

However I can understand that these young women are probably SCARED to reveal their legs in lighter colours. I have had to force myself to wear nude stockings and I still find the reflection of my legs in them completely unnerving, kind of obscene as though something is on show that should be completely covered. Added to which the fashion in stockings is all about opaques and anything else is considered so old fashioned.

I'd like to mention that I got a pair of metallic blue lace with my last order from the UK, can't wait to wear them, maybe tomorrow (but not with fuschis shoes, although maybe they'd look great!).

Susan's Pet said...

I can't talk about the surgance of "opaque" fashion, but your first woman may have a male admirer who will be happy to clean her white shoes with his tongue. Not me, as such, but I have been reading some along those lines.

Like Riding A Bike said...

Susan Pet - The scuffs on the white shoes arent coming out with a lick of the tongue. But nice idea!

Doll - i'd love to see a picture of the Metallic Blues. And why would girls be afraid to reveal their legs?

Anonymous said...

Scared?.....Why do you think fake tans are so popular?

Like Riding A Bike said...

but every girl can wear buff or caramel stockings

Anonymous said...

No, No they can't. They are oh so not fashionable and associated with older women. But maybe that will change with the more feminine fashions.

Like Riding A Bike said...

suddenly I'm feeling old and out of fashion touch ;-)

doll said...

I did a little survey today although as I live in a city notorious for black the figures will be completely different to Sydney. Lots of black of course but I did get to see two women in textured grey and two women in sheer champagne. The sheers did look good but I think bankers were wearing them. I guess a city at lunch time might not be a very good cross-section.

Anonymous said...

I just had to come back and revisit this. Today I saw navy stockings with cream shoes..Yuck. What is with these girls?

Like Riding A Bike said...

Not just me then...phew! :-)

SheenV said...

I wouldn't even wear that combination!